I worry A LOT. About what, you may ask? Oh, everything. That's got to be one of the biggest struggles in my life. A sweet friend once told me that her husband told her to not sweat the small stuff in life, to which she replied, "But if I don't then who will?" I laughed out loud in spite of myself. That's me.
You know that recurring bad dream that plagues us throughout college about that class that you signed up for but never attended? and so you're going to fail it? But you know it's not your reality, and it still haunts you? Yes, that's me.
I have been given the amazing gift of a husband who loves me and wants to provide the very best for me and our children. Do I show gratitude like I should? Oh, the shame of having to tell you no. Most of you know about our new house that we will be moving into, Lord willing, sometime in April. Am I overjoyed at the prospect of our family having room to play, grow, entertain, and serve in? Yes. So why is my beforewemoveinorI'lljustDIE list so stinkin' long? Do I really need my kids' new bathroom to have everything that it has to have in order to suit me, like now? Nope. So why do I worry about these things?
I have given Satan his foothold when I do this. I was to reading my kids from their Bible story book one evening last week, and I read the passage about God's clothing the lilies of the field, and that if He does that, does He not care so much more for you and me? Yes, my doubting heart, He does! My treasure is in Heaven with my God who gave me precious things like His son's sacrifice, my husband, my 3 beautiful children, my parents, siblings; the list goes on and on.
What have I to worry about? I know that this life is full of struggles as we wage daily war against self and Satan, but that battle has been won. The last chapter has been written, and my daily focus is to be on the cross.
The grass withers, the flower fades, and so do my to-do lists.