Saturday, May 15, 2010


We haven't had rain for close to a month it seems. We had been praying for rain because my newly planted flowers were looking a little parched. And the hubby has just recently laid some new sod. Sooo, maybe no rain was punishment of sorts for having shelled out over $500 for grass? Just sayin'...
Then last night the heavens opened and dumped their month long accumulation of rain, and it continued all day today. ALL DAY. By early afternoon the loony house was running on all cylinders. Rich remembered that "Robin Hood" cam out this weekend, and we were bemoaning the fact that we couldn't pick up and just go to a movie and dinner afterwards. Why did we rush those days? The planning now is exhausting. And don't even get me started on what is required when we double date with friends.
As I began to wallow in self pity, and turn on the dancing veggies for my boys, Emma woke up from her nap. And that was about the last straw for me. Why can't we ever catch a break?! And then it happened. Rich was sitting at our kids' little table working away on his laptop and baby girl toddled over to him. He scooped her up, and after just sitting ever so contentedly for a few, she looked up at him with those big beautiful eyes. Who can resist? He showered her with kisses, and she giggled accordingly. I didn't dare get up to grab the camera because I didn't want to miss any of this. God's way of reminding me of what I do have is enough to bring me to tears. How can I not rejoice in what my rainy, kid-filled, loud and chaotic afternoons are? My children are healthy, beautiful, and have been given to me for such a short time. Thank You, God, for loaning them to me.
I'll have plenty of time to enjoy PF Chang's and a movie with my husband, but I know, I just know, that someday I will actually find myself saying that I miss hearing Veggie Tales, the countless questions from a 5 year old who wants to know this world and its Creator. And I will miss that sweet little girl coming up to me for a kiss and a hug.
Yes. This is contentment.

1 comment:

  1. Liz, that was a deliteful post...encouraging to me to hear of your contentment! Here's to the next rainy day (and the next wonderful date nite)!
